Rhino Q&A

Here's some questions asked about Rhinos recently from a group of young people...



How Many Types of Rhino are there in the world?


There are 5 types or species of Rhino alive in the world today they are..

  • The White Rhino
  • The Black Rhino
  • The Indian Rhino
  • The Sumatran Rhino
  • The Javan Rhino


What is a group of Rhinos called?


A Group of Rhino are called a "CRASH" or a "HERD"



What is a baby Rhino Called?


A Baby Rhino is called a "CALF"



What do Rhinos Eat?


Rhinos are Herbivores which means they don't eat meat or other animals they only eat Plants, Leaves and Grass



Rhinos look angry, are they dangerous?


Rhinos are very peaceful animals but they are very big and powerful and when they get scared they will run and anything that large is dangerous to anything that's in it's way. Rhinos are very shy and don't like to be seen.



What is a Rhinos Horn made from? Is it bone?


A Rhinos Horn is made of something called Keratin which is the same thing that your finger nails are made from.



Why do people Hunt and Kill Rhinos?


Rhinos are hunted for their Horns which some people think can cure some illnesses but this has been proven not to be true but still thousands of Rhinos are killed because of this silly belief.


More Rhino Questions and Answers coming soon

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