Animal Welfare


The animals we care for and any animals we are associated with or are asked to help with are given the best possible care in all aspects of their life.

It is not only their basic right it's our duty to do anything within our means to care for them, enrich their lives and allow them to live their lives with dignity and respect.


Both Paradise Wildlife Park and the Wildlife Heritage Foundation give the best possible Veterinary care available. All their animals are treated equally with regular health checks, preventative treatment, Innoculations and medical care given whenever needed.


Housing and enclosures are designed and built to meet the needs of not only individual species but for individual animals taking into account age, abilty, medical history and individual abilities and disabilities.




Youngsters Like Chastity Runge-Badger from Staples, Minnesota, USA are the key to the worlds future. their passion and love for the world of nature is the only way so many species will survive.
At the Cheetah Conservation Fund Every Animal gets help and attention when it needs it.
The Simple majesty of a Cheetah makes me breathless as the perfect design works like dream.If you love cats I think you'll be amazed at this magical film

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