


Wildlife Heritage Foundation (WHF)


Tiger Hybrid (Panthera Tigris)


Coming soon...




Tigers as a species show a "cline". A cline is when different populations of the same species look significantly different over its geographic range. Tigers in more northern habitats are larger with greater hair densities, paler coat colour and longer fur than their southern counterparts. 

Tigers have a distinctive stripe patterns on their fur and skin. This pattern is as individual to a single tiger as fingerprints are to humans. The stripes work to break up the tigers outline, helping to camouflage the felid in the sunlight dappling between trees and long grass. 

Tigers are very slender at the rear to aid in grooming their rear end, enabling them to live a solitary lifestyle (unlike lions which being stocky at the rear need other members of the pride to keep their bottoms clean!). Most of the strength in a tiger comes from their front limbs, strong bones support powerful muscles which enable tigers to take down and hold large prey, aid in swimming and climbing. When a tiger climbs a tree they tend to pull themselves up using their front limbs rather than jump up like the more agile cats (e.g. leopards). Hind legs of the tiger are slightly longer than their front legs to enable the cats to leap up to 10 m. They have padded paws which act like shock absorbers and facilitate a silent stalk of prey. Tiger claws are slightly curved to grasp and hold large prey and to enable head first climbing. 
< BR /> Tigers have the largest canines proportionally of any of the big cats, and the saggital crest on the skull facilitates a crushing powerful bite to prey. 

To aid in sensory perception, tigers have whiskers on their muzzle (mystacial) that help the felid to navigate in the dark, and sense prey, eyebrows (superciliary), cheeks, back of knees on front limbs (carpal) and throughout the body (Tylotrich).


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