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Paradise Wildlife Park (PWP)


Snow Leopard (Panthera Uncia)


Coming soon...




Snow leopards are very well adapted to life in harsh, remote habitat, high altitude and extreme weather. Small ears and thick dense fur with soft woolly undercoat keep the body temperature regulated in extreme cold. They have very large feet proportionally for distributing their weight when walking on snow and for balance, long hairs between the pads of their feet keep feet protected from the cold and aid in traction. They have an exceptionally long tail (can be up a 1 m long), with a thick bushy end, which aids in balance when walking and hunting on sheer cliff faces, the long tail also acts as a draught excluder and snow leopards frequently wrap their tail around the body when sleeping covering their exposed noses with the bushy tip! They have a wide nasal cavity which heats air before it reaches their lungs to prevent the lungs from freezing, and their lungs are very powerful with a large capacity so they can extract oxygen from a deficient atmosphere. Their powerful chest muscles, and longer back limbs, aid the snow leopard in jumping, climbing and balance in the mountainous terrain. Snow leopards are not white! They have a coat ranging from white, yellow, grey, mottled with black spots and rosettes. This perfectly camouflages the leopard against mountain rocks and shrubs.


Youngsters Like Chastity Runge-Badger from Staples, Minnesota, USA are the key to the worlds future. their passion and love for the world of nature is the only way so many species will survive.
At the Cheetah Conservation Fund Every Animal gets help and attention when it needs it.
The Simple majesty of a Cheetah makes me breathless as the perfect design works like dream.If you love cats I think you'll be amazed at this magical film

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